Sustainable Agriculture Links
On this page, we will link to information that might be helpful to OFRA members and friends. These sustainable agriculture links provide useful information, but may be from the perspective of anywhere in the world. In our Documents files and in our Forums, we will work to take the general sustainable agriculture information and identify what is working in Oklahoma. We look forward to working together with members and friends to test ideas and communicate our results!
Please note that OFRA doesn't endorse or receive any benefits from any companies or organizations to which we provide links. It can be challenging to find equipment that works for managed grazing systems, so we provide links to equipment that we've used or colleagues have used. If you're aware of other equipment that works please send information and links to
Whole Farm Planning
If you manage an Oklahoma farm or ranch implementing one or more of these practices and would like to be linked here, please email your info to
Holistic Management
Regrarians Platform (based on Yeoman's Keyline Scale of Permanence)
Permaculture There are many permaculture links we could choose. We decided upon links to the organizations most closely linked to the founders, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren and to practitioners in Oklahoma with websites:
OFRA Beef Check Sheet
This check sheet is designed to stimulate critical thinking in planning a farm on which primary land use is production of beef cattle.
Permanent Fencing
Water Systems
HDPE Water System Parts
(Check out How to Build a Mobile Cattle Water System For Your Pasture Rotation for an introduction to an HDPE livestock water system.)
We are aware of only two U.S. companies that sell fittings specifically for these HDPE livestock water systems. If you know of other sources, please email info and links to: ofra.exec.dir at Thanks!
HDPE couplers (These allow connection of HDPE pipe without any fusion equipment - just a couple of wrenches gets the job done.)
American Grazing Lands - Couplers
Powerflex Fence - Couplers
Quick Coupler Valves and Risers (These allow you to quickly connect the HDPE system to a stock tank with a garden hose.)
American Grazing Lands - Quick Coupler Valve
American Grazing Lands - Quick Coupler Riser
Powerflex Fence - Quick Coupler Valves and Risers
Kencove - Quick Coupler Valves.
Female T (These allow you to attach the Quick Coupler Valve to the HDPE pipe.)
Example of Powerflex Fence Female T
Examples of American Grazing Lands T Fittings
When installing your first system, we recommend calling your fitting provider and making sure you're ordering the right sizes to fit your HDPE pipe and your Quick Coupler Valves. Both companies provide at least some support by phone.
It can save funds to purchase HDPE Pipe locally. You can find suppliers by googling "HDPE Pipe Manufacturers," going to their websites and searching for distributors near you, then calling them to find the best prices. HDPE Pipe is made for many different uses. We like the Pipe that is certified for "potable" aka "drinking" water use. (Just ask the distributor, and they should direct you to the correct pipe.)
Care of Livestock
Artificial Insemination
Links to Oklahoma Agriculture Websites
Links to Federal Agriculture Websites
Links to Sustainable Agriculture Work Groups